
The EAGLE Companion

EAGLE – the “Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor“ is a professional-grade CAD (computer aided design) software package for the design and drafting of electronic schematics as well as the design and fabrication of printed circuit boards (PCBs).

This publication, the ‘EAGLE Advanced User Guide’ provides the experienced EAGLE user with insight into using some of the more advanced features of EAGLE software. It is not a guide to teach the reader the basic concepts of EAGLE, nor does it discuss the ‘how to’ of the EAGLE interface and the simpler operations and commands of the software. That is the purpose of the author’s previous title EAGLE V6 Getting Started Guide also published by Elektor.

This book is intended as an enduring document covering the more advanced modules, commands, and functions which make up EAGLE. It is hoped that this book will sit on the desk or the bookshelf of the EAGLE user, and provide a quick, succinct reference to assist with more complex applications and uses of EAGLE – an ‘EAGLE User’s Companion’, if you like.

Complementing the EAGLE Advanced User Guide, the EAGLE User Language manual is included in this book in unabridged form, reproduced with permission of CadSoft GmbH.

At the time of writing, the material in this book covers version 7 of the EAGLE software suite.

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